Egypt Private Luxury Tour + Energy Healing

Join us for an extraordinary Reiki Energy Healing experience

Next Reiki 1 Class

November 9, 2024

Next Reiki 2 Class


Mt. Shasta Retreat

May 9-13, 2024

Intuitive Healing

Heal and revitalize
Training available for all levels
to help share your healing gifts
to the world.

Master Your Own Life

Focus and prosper
Stand in your own personal
power and let your healing
light shine.

Universal Attunement

Balance and harmony
Connect with the Universe and
access healing for yourself and
others whenever its needed

Make A Difference

Connect and provide
An invaluable gift that can
help others be free of injuries
or help give them inner peace

"I believe Energy Healing is the missing piece in the puzzle of holistic healing...​"

If you came to this site, it's likely for one or more of the following reasons:
  • You are sensitive to your Energy, the energy of people around you and you don’t know how to handle it
  • You want to know more about the Bio-Energy field that permeates all creation and affects our bodies
  • You have intuitive abilities like clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, clear cognitive and even healing abilities, and you want to know what to do with it and how to develop those gifts and skills
  • You or a loved one has been healed through Energy Healing and you want to know how to do that too
  • You are very often around Intuitives who can “read and see” your energy
  • You have experienced repetitive Energy Blockages and want to heal yourself
  • You are attracted to meditation, yoga, metaphysics, and/or spirituality
  • You have experienced chronic physical and emotional pain related to energetic blockages and you need to learn how to heal yourself
  • You just want to heal yourself and then heal others!

Explore the World of Energy Healing!

To give you a brief introduction on how to activate healing energy in your hands in less than 10 minutes, I invite you to watch my three FREE exercise videos.

Benefits of Reiki Training

  • Emotional healing – release negative energy, decrease anxiety and worry; less fear, more courage
  • Self-development – learn to love yourself so that you can learn to love others; more compassion and gratitude
  • Deep relaxation – enhances inner peace and helps to create calmness
  • Attunement with the Universe – connect to universal energy and heal yourself and others
  • Connect with your Spirituality – become more grounded, balanced, and in tune with your High Self
  • Healthier living – learn to live a healthier life emotionally, physically, spiritually
  • Find your true purpose and calling – gain greater clarity, creativity, and sense of purpose
  • Gain perspective on life –  understand what’s important and what’s unnecessary in your life
  • Learn “The Art of Inviting Happiness” – learn how to live a truly happy life; increase self-love and confidence
  • Give back to the community – can share your gift with loved ones, animals, plants, and the Earth!

Healing from the Inside-Out!

Healing is always done from the inside out – from the subtle body to the physical body. In order to heal, we need to remove Energy Blockages, which can be done with Reiki Energy Healing. When we no longer have Energy Blockages, the energy is able to flow throughout our body and we can then begin the healing process and become our best selves.

Get in Touch

If you are interested in any of my programs/services, please call me at 310.592.1813, email me at or fill out the form below.

Ask any question or leave a comment in the box below!


Hello Kwabena,

The only thing I can do, and works really well,
is Reiki Distance healing sessions.

Please email me at if you are interested.

Carlos Caridad
Reiki Master

De ser posible agreguen subtítulos en español a estos videos…nos beneficiaría mucho a los hispanos. Gracias !!!

Por supuesto Maria!
Voy a tratar de hacer videos nuevos en Español.
Gracia por su sugerencia!


Hi Carlos! I am interested in taking the class on April 8th for level 1. Is there gonna be a level II in the future? I understand It has to be some time between both levels..

I have completed all four workshops with Healing in America spiritual energy healing in ojai. Interested in what simiar to your work

Good for you Bonnie!
I’m glad you stop by and left your comment!


Cyndi, it’s the “Sign Up” button 🙂

I saw you were able to Sign Up and you still need to confirm your subscription by clicking on the Confirmation email you received from AWeber (my mailing software).

Please let me know if you have any other difficulty.


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