Activate Healing Energy – Exercise #3

Activate Healing Energy in Your Hands in Less Than 10 Minutes
Exercise #3:  “Qi-Gong”



  • Another way to activate healing energy in your hands is using Qi-Gong, a Chinese form of gentle exercise composed of movements that are repeated a number of times, increasing fluid movement and building awareness of how the body moves through space
  • Relax your whole body, including your jaw and hands
  • Hop/jump in place about 100x – your arms will naturally move
  • You can do anything you want with this energy and direct it wherever (use visualizations to help)
    • Like with the other two exercises, you can use this energy to place on areas that are in pain
    • For example, you can send energy to another person by focusing on them and consciously sending the energy to any part of their body – also known as distant energy healing
    • You can use this energy to give love to a plant, water, food, pets, etc.
  • This Qi-Gong exercise also helps with your immune system by jump starting your lymphatic system


  Exercise #1 | Exercise #2


Please write any questions or comments in the box below


Hola Carlos Gracias por tu guia. En un reading que tuve recientemente a travez de un amigo, que es Medium, el me indico que tengo la propiedad de sanar personas con mi energia. Esto no lo sabia y por ello estoy tratando de aprender y desarrollar esa capacidad y asi poder ayudar a personas. Reiki tiene que ver con sanacion por energia?
Feliz Navidad y Anho nuevo.

Por supuesto Peter! Reikies Sanacion por Energias por imposicion de manos y a distancia.
Te invito a que participes de mis sesiones grupales los Martes (en Ingels) y Jueves (en Español) de 7:00 pm a 7:30 pm, PST.

Empiezo 15 minutos antes un Live Video en Facebook y en YouTube:

Busca un buen Maestro de Reiki y estudia con ella o el!

Un abrazo!


Namaste Beloved, After I had watched your morning a Usui Reiki MT I began to incorporate rubbing my hands clapping my hands and my intuition guided me to start jumping 100+ times a day my energy had increased doing this in the morning had been able to dictate how the rest of my day would unfold with me constantly moving my energy…Thanks.

Thank you Frederick for sharing!
I’ve been doing a daily energizing routing since I was 18!
It had evolved to the video you saw.

Thank you for writing your comment!



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