Benefits Of Practicing Reiki

Reiki Connects You With Source Energy…
    Since you expressed interest in learning Reiki, I’m describing the many benefits of being a Reiki Practitioner:

  1. Your Energy Vibration/Frequency raises
  2. and increases!
  3. So your Evolution of Consciousness speeds up!
  4. You start healing your self. 
  5. Your Self-Healing process in conscious and you do it at will!
  6. Energy Blockages are removed as you Practice Healing to others
  7. Your Energy Field, Aura, gets stronger and larger, and…
  8. People start noticing all those changes without you even talking about it.
  9. Your Magnetism increases…
  10. You become a better person…
  11. You become a better Healer…
  12. and more…

I’m inviting you to join me in this Healing Journey by becoming a Reiki Energy Healer,
and to my next Reiki Level 1 Training Workshop on February 5th, 2017.

Please click on the link below to learn the details of my Reiki Level 1 Training Workshop:

Please do not hesitate to email me with your questions.



Carlos Caridad

Reiki Master Practitioner
Teacher, Educator and Speaker

Usui Shiki Ryoho Method
John of God Crystal Bed

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