Global Walkout – Reignite Freedom

Step 1 - Keep Cash Alive

I bet you’re thinking, “Tapping my phone, card or smart watch is so easy, why would I bother using cash? It’s too inconvenient.”

You’re right, it is inconvenient, but what if it’s worth the effort?

No one expects you to use cash for everything straight away. Have a quick read and decide for yourself.

What impact does using cash have on small to medium businesses?

  • Businesses save money instantly on transaction fees.
  • They have more control over their profits.
  • If you can help save that business money, they are more likely to keep staff employed and give back to their local community.
  • Small to medium businesses are an integral part of keeping your local economy and community thriving and growing.

What’s wrong with a cashless society?

  1. Cash jobs on the side will no longer be an option, which creates economic hardship and higher debt.
  2. Tech companies have invested heavily in making electronic transactions secure but hackers are always one step ahead. In a world of 100% electronic payments, the risk of falling victim to fraud rises significantly.
  3. If cash dies, your location and purchases will be tracked automatically. You won’t be able to opt out or unsubscribe.
  4. If you are on any government funding whatsoever, they could restrict you from spending that money on certain things that the government does not condone.
  5. Cash allows you to make anonymous purchases or donations. If cash dies, there will be no such thing.
  6. People in abusive situations are often financially reliant on their abuser. If cash is removed, their way out will be that much harder or close to impossible.

What are the technological implications of a cashless society?

  • We will be reliant on technology every day. If you want access to funds, you will need the latest devices and software to enable payments. If you are not a very tech savvy person, this could become a big problem. It is also extremely expensive and inconceivable for some households.
  • Cash protects you from being at the mercy of electronic forms of payments during power outages and looming high energy costs.
  • You won’t be able to leave your home without some sort of device.

Step 2 - Reignite Farming

The second step of the global walkout is to locate and support family-run grocery stores and markets as much as possible. Try to purchase locally grown products to support the farming and market communities in your area. If you live in the city, research what fresh produce is grown in your region.

As customers, it is critical that you support your farmers, the farming community and local farmer markets, by spending your money on products that will help boost your local economy. By choosing fresh produce that is either farmed locally, or at least in your country or region, you will be helping to keep your farmers in business, which will help your local communities and small businesses continue to thrive.  

Some of you reading this might be thinking…where do I start with this? I don’t know what is locally grown or even where the family-run grocery stores are.

Everyone’s lifestyle and situation is different. All we ask is that you do your best with the options you have.

Here are some tips:

  1. If you have time, research what is grown in your region.
  2. Source out your local family-run grocery or fruit and vegetable shops. Ask them which products are locally sourced and buy those products.
  3. Find out when the next market is in your area, and how often they are. Try to go as much as you can and buy enough fresh produce to last until the next market day. 
  4. If you start conversations with the store owners or staff, tell them why you’re there and why you’re making the effort to shop there. It’s a great conversation starter and they’ll appreciate it.

Step 3 - Reignite MSM

The third step of the Global Walkout is to unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets. Delete the apps from your phone, laptop and tablet and unfollow all of their social media and YouTube channels. Try to avoid mainstream media for at least one week, even if the headline is intriguing.

Regardless of which side of politics you’re on, we all deserve access to unbiased news so we can make informed decisions based on facts. Some countries have tax-paid media outlets who seem to only broadcast one side of a story. If enough people stop consuming their content, they will be forced to consider changing their tactics and start doing legitimate investigative journalism again.

  • What’s wrong with the way mainstream media is right now?
  • How to spot a mainstream media outlet?
  • What is the impact of consuming too much mainstream media?
  • Did you know several journalists either quit or got fired recently for speaking out against the deterioration of their industry and the absence of the journalistic oath?

We answer ALL these questions in THIS ARTICLE:

How to disconnect from mainstream media?

  1. Delete all mainstream media apps from your phone, tablet, laptop and computer. Unsubscribe from monthly payments if you are signed up for any.
  2. Be sure to also delete or hide the generic news app that comes pre-installed on your phone and devices.
  3. Avoid clickbait as much as you can. We all know they create headings that are misleading. Don’t click on them.

Step 4 - Support Smaller Banks

The fourth step of the Global Walkout is to move as many accounts as you can to a union or local bank. Use these new accounts for your savings and transactions. If you run a business, move your business accounts as well and start paying wages from there. If you have debts with larger banks, look into transferring your debt as well.

We understand that this step is a hard one and might be impossible for some people to achieve this right away. You might have loans with big banks which you can’t move. 

The Global Walkout is always voluntary…just do what you can to the limit you are comfortable with.

Even if you have debts with large banks, you might be able to open a savings or transaction account with a smaller bank and transfer money into your loans from there.

Even if you can’t participate fully in this step, it will raise awareness of the financial control that we are currently under. We can work towards disconnecting from the larger banks over time.

How do I move my accounts?

  • This is a global movement. We are unable to research local banks in every country. You will have to research it yourself. Feel free to go to our Facebook page or Telegram channel and offer suggestions so other people in your country can see.
  • It’s important to research if the small bank is associated with a larger one. Try to find one that is as independent as possible.
  • We understand that this is a big ask and will take hours of appointments and planning. The only way to effectively push back against financial tyranny is to walk the walk. Try to open your new accounts in person so you can explain the Global Walkout and WHY you are putting in the effort to change your accounts.
  • Once you choose a new bank, open the new accounts and simply transfer your funds across. Be sure to CLOSE your old accounts. It would be ideal that you book an appointment so you can tell them WHY you are leaving. It will be a great way to start a conversation.
  • As mentioned above, we do not have the resources to give specific suggestions for each country, it is your choice and responsibility.


Why bother moving your bank accounts to a smaller bank?

  • Smaller banks support local family-run businesses more. If you invest your money in them, you are helping your local economy overall.
  • If enough people take their money away from the big banks, they will have less control.
  • In some cases, smaller banks are less controlled by big corporations and the government.
  • We are unsure what the future holds. We know that the globalists are trying to bring in a digital ID and a cashless society. This step alone will not prevent this, but it’s a start.

Step 5 - Share Your Flag

The fifth step of the Global Walkout is to display your country’s flag upside-down anywhere you can. We’ve come up with a very cheap and easy way to do this so EVERYONE can participate.

We’ve been inspired in the Netherlands by seeing hundreds of upside-down flags along the highways. It’s very impactful because the public cannot help but notice and wonder why they are there.

An important part of this step is to take a photo when you put your flag somewhere and post it online. Use the same hashtags as everyone else to show that WE ARE THE MANY… #CountryInDistress and #GlobalWalkout

In the Netherlands when we drove through farming regions, there were more properties WITH flags than without. It’s impossible for the public to ignore this public display of distress. Imagine if this was global??? If you spot a flag while with a friend, it will be a great way to start a conversation about important topics.

Step 6 - Community Dinner Tables Around the World

The next step of the Global Walkout is to organize, at least once a week, a dinner or lunch with friends and family to start building a community from your very home. Discuss current affairs with them. Make sure more and more people in your community understand what’s going on and make them enthusiastic about having such dinners themselves.

Let’s create community dinner tables all over the world. 

We are aware that step 6 is the first of its kind. It may seem off-topic or pointless, but in fact, it might be the most important step we’ve had.  

Lockdowns, mainstream media, and modern culture try to divide and disconnect us…we must do the exact opposite.

Human connection is one of the most effective ways to remain a critical thinker, open-minded, innovative, hopeful, inspired, and rational. It’s also extremely helpful for our mental and emotional stability. Loneliness is a modern-day crisis. We crave healthy discussion and debate to keep our minds sharp and quick to fire.

The main idea is to have at least ONE dinner per week that is more special than the rest.


  • Invite a neighbor who you smile and chat with sometimes but have never spent quality time with.
  • Invite someone who you’ve drifted away from over the last few years. Try to find common ground again by exchanging old stories or talking about the things that brought you together in the first place. You could consider planning some topics or stories to help break the ice.
  • Invite over people you already spend regular time with, but make the meal a bit more special than usual. Perhaps even prepare it together. Turn phones and WIFI off. Try to come up with stimulating topics that promote lively conversation and debate.
  • If you can’t invite neighbors, friends, or family over…have at least one dinner per week that is more special than usual, even if you’re alone. Cook it from scratch or light a candle. Turn your phone off, have some stimulating thoughts and treat yourself to dessert.
  • If you can inspire those around you to start having their own weekly dinners, that would be incredible and could create a domino effect of community dinner tables all over the world

If we start connecting and enjoying each other’s company more, the impact of that will be invaluable. We can evolve the entire world with steps like these. However, they require effort, patience, and consistency, which we can all strive for.

Step 7 - No More Self-Checkouts or QR Codes + A Bonus Health-Related Step

Never use a self-checkout or order food using a QR code unless absolutely necessary. If the cashier or waiter seems confused about why you won’t, use that as an opportunity to explain that you are part of the Global Walkout and you are choosing to inconvenience yourselves to protect their jobs.

If you’re paying cash, why not hand them one of our ‘keep cash alive’ printouts too. Why is cash so important? Read this.

A­void seed oils as much as possible. Oils like canola, cottonseed, and grapeseed…all of these are highly processed oils. Click here to read an article explaining more about the dangers of consuming these types of oils. Use these points to start conversations with your family and loved ones.

Seed oils to avoid:

  • Corn oil
  • Canola oil
  • Cottonseed oil
  • Soy or soybean oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Safflower oil
  • Grapeseed oil
  • Ricebran oil

Step 8 - Watch the New Doco, "The Real Anthony Fauci"

­The 8th step of the Global Walkout is to watch the new documentary called ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’.

Take it a step further and try to convince a fence-sitting friend to watch it with you. Do whatever it takes…maybe their favorite wine, dinner or dessert.

Click here to watch it.

Step 9 - Keep Cash Alive (Business Edition)

Following on from the success of Step 1, which was to use cash as much as possible.

Step 9 of the Global Walkout is to encourage businesses to display a poster that says, ‘cash is preferred’.

If you own a business, we encourage you to display this poster. 

You can find the printouts here: Spark up conversations with businesses. Explain the benefits of encouraging their customers to use more cash and offer them a poster to display.

When a business displays the poster, please input their details into the form on this page so we can encourage our audience to support businesses who are helping us keep cash alive.

The Step 1 printouts go hand in hand with this step. Those printouts have been EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL. We encourage you to print more and use them as much as possible.

Step 10 - Recap Steps 1-9

Step 10 is to recap Steps 1-9 and make sure you’re doing them to the best of your abilities. 


On top of that, try to enroll ONE friend into the walkout and make sure you’re subscribed so we know how many people are participating (even if it’s a fake email, at least we’ll know) AND if we get kicked off social media, we can still communicate with you via email.

It’s been a fun ride so far…we have a long way to go but I know that we are building momentum for something really impactful. The right time will become very clear when it’s upon us. We just need to stay on the course and never give up 🙂

Step 11 - Boost Your Vitamin D

Step 11 of the Global Walkout is to spend at least 3 hours outdoors this week. All at once or incrementally. Don’t stop doing this next week, either. 

There’s more to it. Keep reading.

This step is a reminder that we need to boost our vitamin D levels, so we are energetic and ready to push back against whatever is thrown at us. 

Not every step will feel like a direct threat to the globalists but sometimes, we all need a reminder to take a breath, go outside and rejuvenate.

Steps to take:

  1. Spend at least three hours outdoors every week. 
  2. Get your Vitamin D levels checked at the doctors as soon as you can. Make a plan to boost your levels to at least 120 nanomoles.
  3. Watch the two videos on this page: They are over a year old, but the content is very applicable to this, and you will learn why Vitamin D is so important to our overall health and well-being. 

There is a great app, called Dminder that helps you know what time of day vitamin D exposure is at its optimum in your area based on many elements.

Step 12 - Curriculum Awareness Week

Step 12 of the Global Walkout is for parents to become more familiar with the school curriculums.

Book an appointment with their teacher or principal, and ask them which books they are reading this year and next year. Also, ask about the sexual education content they teach.

If you’re half way through the school year in your country, do this as soon as possible.

If the school year is almost finished in your country, use this as an opportunity to further vet the school you plan to send your kids to next year.

You can find a template letter that parents can use to opt out of sexual education if they want to here: .

It’s time for us to get to know exactly what our kids are learning in school. If you don’t have school-aged children, pass this on to someone who does. Whether you have children or not, we all need to help protect the minds and innocence of the next generation.

Step 13 - Withdraw and Reach Out

Step 13 has two parts:


If you have savings in the bank, consider withdrawing a decent amount of cash and putting it somewhere safe or investing it in something tangible.

If you don’t have savings, consider taking out your wages every time you get paid.

Why bother, you might ask…

Firstly, if you’re using cash most of the time anyway, this will save you trips to the ATM machine. Secondly, the banks make a fortune investing our money while it’s in there, so why not take those profits away from the major banks?


Is very different but just as important. Reach out to at least TWO people you’ve lost contact with. People you used to have a lot in common with but have drifted apart. Send them a text, give them a call or arrange a catch-up. What have you got to lose by trying?

Obviously, this action alone will not immediately affect the globalist agenda. But we all know that saying…united we stand, divided we fall. So let’s start uniting now, so we’re ready for whatever is coming.

Step 14 - Digital ID Awareness

You’ve all done an amazing job using cash and raising awareness of the importance of keeping cash alive and dialing back the digital systems.

Now we need to take it a step further and start educating as many people as we can about the dangers of a Digital ID and Digital currencies, that includes CBDCs (central bank digital currencies).

First, watch the new documentary called State of Control so that you can answer people’s questions. Then, download and print the pamphlet we’ve made ( Go for a walk with your family and friends and drop them into letterboxes, give them out at work, to the cashiers and parents at school drop-off. Give them to as many people as you can.

This is so critical because when the implementation of these things begins to happen, it might be too late to educate others. You’ve got to start now. The more people we can reach now, the more effective our campaigns will be to stop their agenda. Think of this exercise as rallying the troops and getting them ready to pushback against the global digital ID and digital currencies when the time comes.

Step 15 - Let's Protect Our Data More


Step 15 of the Global Walkout is to delete internet browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, and DuckDuckGo… and start exclusively using Brave

A little about Brave and how to make the switch…

The internet is a sea of ads, hackers, and echo chambers. Big Tech makes huge profits off our data and tries to tell us what’s true and what’s not. Brave is fighting back.

Brave is on a mission to protect your privacy online. We make a suite of internet privacy tools—including our browser and search engine—that shield you from the ads, trackers, and other creepy stuff trying to follow you across the web.

50 million people have already switched to Brave for a faster, more private web. Hundreds of thousands more sign up every day. It only takes 60 seconds to switch.

Think switching is a hassle? It’s not. With Brave, you can easily import bookmarks, extensions, and even saved passwords from your old browser. It’s just one click in onboarding. Or download and import later.

10 Reasons Why Brave Browser Is Becoming So Popular: 

You might be thinking…who cares which internet browser I use, what difference does it make?

Well, did you know that data is one of the most lucrative products in the world? The less data big tech companies have, the harder it is for them to track our spending habits, movements, activities and so forth. They already have so much data on us, why don’t we start scaling it back!

There will be more steps like this coming up. Data protection and privacy is a huge topic.

We have nothing to hide…we are not criminals! However, we value our privacy. We want to keep our data to ourselves rather than allow big tech to barter and trade with it.

For example:

When you use the web, you send data about your activity and location back to Google and other sites. Aside from cookies, Chrome tracks you through several identifiers.

These include:

  • IP address
  • Log-in information
  • Browser user agents and more

Some websites use cookies and other third-party tracker data like web beacons and pixel tags together with your online user accounts for tracking purposes. Websites claim to track your internet activities to improve your browsing experience. However, advertisers may also use the data to learn your habits and preferences to determine which ads they show to you.

I’m not sure how you feel about this, but if I want to buy something, I’ll search for it. I don’t want to be push-marketed too!

Step 16 - Conscience Buying

Step 16 of the Global Walkout is to start practicing the art of ‘Conscience Buying’.

Before spending money, consider… Where is it going? Who is it going to?

Have you heard the phrase ‘conscience eating’? The definition is ‘noticing with a degree of controlled thought or observation; done or acting with critical awareness.’  This is exactly the same…but with money.

First I want to share a quick story with you…

I had to buy something online today. (I have pre-paid credit cards).

I found exactly what I needed on eBay, but I avoid sites like eBay and Amazon. They take large chunks out of the seller’s profit margins and track spending habits for marketing data.

So…I searched for the company’s direct website and found the same product. It was the SAME PRICE, quicker shipping, and direct customer service.

Being the same price means they LOSE money when someone buys through eBay. They haven’t marked up the product to compensate for eBay’s take.

During the process, I also found out it’s a new company based in Australia. It feels really satisfying knowing I cut eBay out of the sale and supported a new local company!

Point of the story – use big marketplace platforms to FIND the products you want…then go buy DIRECT from the producer.

Everyone wins….except eBay


  • If you have to buy something online, purchase a pre-paid credit card USING CASH. Then your online spending is entirely anonymous.
  • If you’re buying online. Utilize the big marketplace websites to find what you want, then look for it directly from the suppliers/producers.
  • If you find an item in a big department store you want, try to find the producer and buy directly from them. No one can be expected to do this with every little thing, but try it with big items at least 
  • Be creative! Think outside the box! Do a bit more research before spending money. Let’s try to be more conscious of where our money comes from, where it’s going and who it’s going to. 

Step 17 - Ditch Loyalty, Reward and Membership Cards

If you are already on a journey towards data privacy and anonymous purchasing, loyalty cards need to become a thing of the past.

They track your spending, location and might even sell your data without your knowledge.

Protecting your data is not about hiding, it’s about making informed decisions on who has your data and what they’re doing with it.

Obviously, it can’t be avoided 100% of the time in modern-day society, but we can surely limit our data footprint.


  • If there is a big discount for being a member, why not ask another customer if you can use their membership for the purchase. They get points or rewards for spending so it’s an easy thing to ask. They would consider it a win/win.
  • There might not be any legal implications to using a different name on loyalty or reward cards, as long as it’s not a bill or something official. Everyone should have an email address without their full name in it, and why do you need to use your real number? Get my drift.

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